Re: Where is the best place to gain an understanding of the eSourcing and...
Thanks Robert - we do have contacts thank you but I was looking for an on-demand solution. I wonder if other potential clients have/would be interested in an on-demand solution ? comments would be...
View ArticleInformation about the condition functionality for Assembled Documents
I need more information about the condition functionality for documents being made visible in the upstream process. I am assuming the following scenario has already been dealt. Once I upload the main...
View ArticleRe: Can email link open directly to Supplier Performance Survey?
I know at the last company where I worked, the link opened directly into the survey. You may want to check your email template and determine what token is being used for the survey link. Additionally,...
View ArticleRe: Hiding/Restricting Access to Sourcing, Contracts, and Suppliers Dashboards
If you have access to your 'administration' piece, then look under Project Manager > Project Email Templates. You'll find one specific to surveys. Make sure the tokens are correct on this. Just a...
View ArticleField TargetSavingPct has the following Error(s): Target Savings % must be set.;
Hello All, I used the WSDL published by ariba to send data for Sourcing Project Import. After getting all the mandatory fields in I got a response back <SourcingProjectImportReply...
View ArticleRe: Field TargetSavingPct has the following Error(s): Target Savings % must...
Have you contacted support? They are you first line of getting answers to questions like these.
View ArticleRe: How can I print supplier responses?
Neil...good suggestions. One of the items that we are adding to the 14s1 Feature Survey is related tot his. I will expand it to include the suggested improvements.
View ArticleRe: Information about the condition functionality for Assembled Documents
Hello Ram, To make a document show or not show based on a condition do the following: 1. Access the Template that house the assembled documents 2. Access the Conditions tab and create 1...
View ArticleRe: Information about the condition functionality for Assembled Documents
Thanks Robert. That is really helpful and informative :-)
View ArticleRe: Field TargetSavingPct has the following Error(s): Target Savings % must...
Hi Jesh Based on Event Type Choosed in the Sourcing Project Creation -Target Savings % field will come into picture.Please check the Visibility condition written for Target Savings % field.
View ArticleIs there a current Ariba Application Roadmap document for the vision of...
I am looking for documentation (of some official type) spelling out Ariba's vision for the future for the integration of Ariba/SAP. How is the integration going to work (potentially change) and what is...
View ArticleRe: Is there a current Ariba Application Roadmap document for the vision of...
Hi Bryan: Thanks for the question. Your Ariba Account Rep or Customer Engagement Executive can provide specific information to you based on your interests. We do not publish details about the roadmap....
View ArticleCustomizing Notifications
Hello, Of-late, I have been getting a lot of erratic notifications for the tasks and contract workspaces. I have not even worked on. I am looking at ways to stop such emails or even try to configure...
View ArticleNot possible to search on team member in certain project group
If there are others that have the same problems as described below, please feel free to support ER # 1-CK2IIL and ER # 1-CIZ5PV, in this discussion thread or elsewhere. We use Contract Management Pro,...
View ArticleRe: Is there a current Ariba Application Roadmap document for the vision of...
Hi Debbie. Thanks for responding, that sounds like a plan - I can get you my AE for the project. I don't necessarily want to put his Name and email address on the public forum. Can you send me your...
View ArticleRe: Customizing Notifications
Hello Ram, If you already loaded the users without modifying the preferences before the load you will be stuck with the OOTB defaults. Unfortunately, users will need to manually modify their...
View ArticleRe: Is there a current Ariba Application Roadmap document for the vision of...
Hi Bryan: If you let me know the name of your company, I can find out who your Ariba Account Rep is and ask he/she to contact you directly. Debbie
View ArticleRe: Is there a current Ariba Application Roadmap document for the vision of...
Can I please get the RoadMap documents today? I would really appreciate it as I was given today as my dealine. Again, if you have any questions/comments you can address them to the above email address....
View ArticleRe: Not possible to search on team member in certain project group
Gunilla, I am the Sr. Product Manager for Ariba contracts and I would be happy to setup a call with you to talk about these requests and our search roadmap going forward. Please feel free to email me...
View ArticleRe: Is there a current Ariba Application Roadmap document for the vision of...
My management team has not heard from anyone yet? Could you please give me an update?
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