Different Ordering Methods are defined under Procure.OrderMethods in Parameters.table file. Direct orders are the ones which are directly sent to supplier and ASN order is a type of ERP order.
To create an EP order, you need to configure it as ERP order.
AribaDirectOrder is a subclass of AribaOrderMethod, intended for configurations where you will be transmitting orders directly to suppliers. It implements the following logic:
- The line item is from a catalog (not ad hoc)
- No line items exceed the specified item limit
In the default configuration, there is no limit specified. In configurations that use AribaDirectOrder, you generally create a subclass, define your preferred limit in that subclass, and use that subclass as your order method.
The default configuration includes a sample, LimitedDirectOrder, which illustrates how to subclass AribaDirectOrder with a specific limit. This sample is available in the directory sample/procure/misc.
AribaERPOrderMethod extends AribaOrderMethod with additional logic appropriate for orders being sent to ERP systems, such as the logic of whether an item can be included on a CC:DO order.
AribaERPOrderMethod reads the following parameters:
- Application.Procure.AllowAdHocCarbonCopyDirectOrders, which is a Boolean that indicates whether non-catalog items can be accepted for CC:DO orders.
In the default configuration, an order can be a CC:DO order if the following conditions hold:
- The supplier and supplier location are not null
- The supplier exists in the ERP partition
- The supplier can be linked to an Ariba Network supplier
- The item is a catalog item, or the parameter Application.Procure.AllowAdHocCarbonCopyDirectOrders is set to true
You may find more details under procurement_admin.pdf file regarding Ordering Methods.
Best Regards,