Ariba OOTB makes the approved state as the final state for Eform.
we have a requirement to add a new state called processed after approved for an eform.
I tried adding the following to the workflow file, but this doesn't seem to be working
<!DOCTYPE workflow SYSTEM "../../../../ariba/server/workflowserver/workflow.dtd">
<workflow name="ULMarketingRequistionEform" workflowClass="config.unilever.ULMarketingRequistionEform" description="Workflow for UL Marketing Req Eform">
<beginState name="APPROVED">
<transition name="APPROVED_TO_PROCESSSED">
<fromState name="APPROVED"/>
<event type="ULRequisitionUploadEform:Processed"/>
<toState name="PROCESSED"/>
</transition >
<state name="PROCESSED">
can any one help me on how to add a new state to the eform.
I know one of the way is to add a action class to the above the workflow and change the StatusString and ApprovedState in Java.
but just wanted to know, if ariba has some standard customization to do this rather than doing it through java, and if no other way then is it safe to do it in java and would it have any impact and do i need to take care of any other fields other than statusstring and approvedstate
any comments or response would be of great help