Our organization has noticed a problem with RFP grading in Ariba: some totals of grader responses for individual questions are not calculating properly, i.e. if one grader gave a question 40%, and another grader gave 80%, the total would be 80%. It looks like certain grader responses are not being included in totals. This has been noticed when adjusting grades by content in Ariba, and grading offline using Excel.
We've had 2-4 RFPs where this seems to be occuring, potentially all the RFPs we've graded since 12s1 was released. It's not the easiest thing to find when reviewing, but we've found that for at least one of the RFPs it would have affected our supplier selection.
This is an issue recognized by Ariba, and currently being investigated by them to determine the cause. I'm wondering if any other users/organizations have noticed similar problems with their own RFP grading?