If you don't see "Switch To Test ID", your account may not have the appropriate permissions. You may need to login as the master account holder or have them update your permissions. I believe, If you don't have any relationships established, you would need to have a buyer request the relationship to create a punchout config. As Mark mentioned, you would switch over to Test Mode and then you can configure "Electronic Order Routing" found under the dropdown of the company name and then proceed to configure the Punchout Catalog under Catalogs.
See if this resource may also help you. It may not be completely relevant but setting up a catalog is explained. http://www.punchout2go.com/punchout-catalogs/magento-cxml-extension/installing-punchout-for-magento/configuring-ariba-supplier-account-for-testing/
Brady Behrman
p: (888) 623-2374