How Ariba Network was able to send the PO to Ariba Supplier ? where is done this customisation ?
[ANS] You need to establish supplier realationship the following way
1. Login to
2. On the Supplier Relationship tab click "Active Relationships"
3. Click "Relationship Request". Read the relationship and agree
4. Click "Request Relationship" and the request is send to the supplier
Is there any need of manual intervention inside of Ariba Network or will be send automatically to the Supplier?
[ANS] If the supplier account is configured to automatically accept all relationship requests (the default), your request is accepted immediately and no further actions are required from either you or the supplier to start transacting on Ariba Network.
If the supplier account is set up so that a user must review and approve or reject relationship requests manually, the supplier must click the link provided in the email to log in to Ariba Network.