Hi David,
My integration solution has PTP for indirect procurement and AN for direct procurement. We have creation of PO from Ariba PTP which goes to S/4 system via SAP PI. We have used Ariba 13s and CI7 for creating PI interfaces and mappings between ariba xml structure to RFC in S/4
Flow is : Ariba PTP - creation of PR - webservice-> SAP PI (mappings Ariba request to RFC structure) ->RFC ->S/4 (generates a PO number sent back in response to Ariba PTP)
AN flow is : [outbound transactions] PO created in S/4 ->cxml generated -> PI (router/No mappings) ->AN (direct PO)
[Inbound transactions] ASN/Invoice/order confirmation created in AN -> PI (router/No mappings) - > S/4 system
With the new release we are not sure if there would be development efforts required in the middleware as PI is based on wsdl/xml structures and any change in wsdl or structure would ideally mean to redo the develoment.
Please suggest.