Hello Debbie.
Thank you for this information. I was able to export my folder, as long as I don't have any folder with the same name in the clause library. So renaming in a different one, or just with a new name is working fine.
Thank you for that.
However, I still have a question. The folder are imported without problem, but it seems the clause are not visible before some times. (Made an import, didn't saw any clause and went for my lunch break. The clause was available when I came back)
There was only one clause in this folder, so I have a concern ifit also happens for bigger folder.
Also, I'm pretty sure that the clause is inside somewhere as, even if I can't see it, I can't delete the folder (as it consider that it have something inside)
Does it ring a bell for you? Or am I crazy?
P.S : For one clause, it seems to take around 45 min, more or less. I will try if it's the same with more clauses.