Hi Jeremy,
Probably you could try something as below:
function AddProcurementGroup_Condition (eform)
var list = eform.getFieldValue("TestVectorField");
if (list != null)
for(i=0; i < list.size(); i++)
var testObject = list.get(i);
var cc = testObject.getFieldValue("CostCenter");
var checkCCs= new Array("44801","44802","44803","44804","44805","44806","44807","44808","44809","44810","44811","44812","44813","44814","44815","44816","44817","44818","44819","44820","44821");
// loop through and check cost centers
for (var i=0; i < checkCCs.length; i++)
Log.javascript.debug("Compare " + checkCCs[i] + " & " + cc);
if (cc !=null && checkCCs[i].equals(cc))
{return true;}
// match not found, return false
return false;
In action, you will need to set third parameter in return statement to false. true defines that the approver will be added as an actual approver i.e. his approval will be required, whereas false means, it will be added as a watcher.
function AddProcurementGroup_action (eform)
// Add Procurement Group to Flow
var ProcurementGroup = Group.getGroup("Procurement");
return ApprovalRequest.create(eform, ProcurementGroup,true,"ruleReasons","ProcurementGroup");
Best Regards,