hello Experts,
Background: We have the UPSTREAM modules of Sourcing and Contract Management deployed.
Problem Statement: When we download the Pricing Term from the Documents in the Contract workspace (created from a Predecessor Sourcing Award), the file id downloaded with 4 different tabs. The important ones are (a) the Contract Item information and (b) Item attributes tab. But this format does not work well for us, as we need all the Contract Item information including the custom terms from the Item attributes tab to be available in a Single tab. In simple terms, all the information of the Item should be available in a FLAT structure in one tab in an XL.
Why do we need it this way: The primary reason is, this downloaded file will be used as an input to CREATE the Contract/Scheduling agreement in ECC
1) Is there any other possible way to download the Pricing Term or the Award information (for each supplier) with all the custom terms included in a Single Tab of an XL File. This file can be then modified to create ECC contract
Many thanks,