Dear Experts,
Our Scenario: Ariba SIM to ECC Integration via ITK and SAP PI
Background: The Name1 field in SAP ECC (LFA1-NAME1) and other Table fields in SAP ECC have field length restrictions (For example the NAME1 field is only 35 characters long in SAP ECC). Due to this we are bound to write multiple transformation logic to accommodate the SPQ Legal Name field to fit into SAP ECC LFA1-NAME1 field. The Logic in PI is (1) Cut the Legal Name field of Ariba SPQ into first 35 characters to LFA1-NAME1 and rest to LFA1-NAME2, NAME3 etc...
Instead I would like to know if there is a way to RESTRICT the Length of any Field in the SPQ such that we will configure the Legal Name field in SPQ to match 35 characters of the ECC field. Similarly we would like to have the ARIBA SPQ fields to have same length as the backend ECC Vendor master field length. We did not find an option to restrict the Field lenght for any SPQ field.
Intent is to avoid transformation in PI.
Any input is highly appreciated
Many Thanks,