On top of “users” and “members”, we also have DSC (Designated Support Contact), as mentioned below :
if a person is assigned to any of the 8 roles below, it is categorized as “user”
if a person is assigned to any of the 19 roles below, it is categorized as “member”
a) For DSC, what roles being assigned ?
b) Need to get approval from Ariba, if yes, how to get approval (refer to my Question 1) ?
c) If DSC has roles from “users” (like Commodity Manager) and from “members” (like Internal User”),
then this DSC is “user” or “member” or both ? |
d) From logical point of view, “user” must be strictly assign to >= 1 roles (total is 8) from “user” and
“member” must be strictly assign to >= 1 role (total is 19) from “member”. |
Cannot have a person to assign roles from both “user” and “member” ? |
Thank you.