HI Everyone,
This is probably an ER but we are looking to have a Table type field that will dynamically ask the users to add more rows and input data into the pre-defined columns. Something very similar to Matrix Term in RFX content.
Use-Case 1: We have a requirement to capture Project Manager from different regions. Along with Project manager name, we would like to capture information like start-date and end-date of that manager on that project and also few other string type fields. We would like to have a Table field for this so that users can add a row for each region project manager and add details for other predefined columns like start date, end date etc.
We explored the option of FMD field but that will not help as we can't provide values to the FMD attributes fields dynamically. They need to be already available in the system. Please let us know what alternatives/workarounds we have to implement this type of requirement to capture data on Project Header or dforms?