Hello everyone,
I am trying to setup a web service to between one of our web applications and our Ariba Buyer On-Premise.
I am getting an error when starting up Buyer:
An error occurred when configuring the handler for event cpar1/GeneralDataRequestService for channel WS. Event will be disabled. Exception: InvalidMessageDefinition: The Operation must be one of the following {Export,Import}
ariba.integration.core.ConfigurationException: InvalidMessageDefinition: The Operation must be one of the following {Export,Import}
I believe my .table files are setup correct but can’t figure why the WSConfigUtil is complaining about them:
My ../Server/config/variants/cvar1/messages/MessageDefinition.table:
GeneralDataRequestService = {
Signature = {
Error = {};
ListenerClass = "integration.service.GeneralDataRequestProcessor";
Request = {};
Response = {};
TopicName = GeneralDataRequestService;
Type = Service;
My ../Server/config/variants/cvar1/partitions/cpar1/ws/MessageConfiguration.table:
GeneralDataRequestService = {
Channel = {
Encoding = UTF-8;
WSDLLocation = "config/variants/cvar1/wsdl/GeneralDataRequestService.wsdl";
Operation = "GeneralDataRequest";
Port = "";
ObjectNameTag = "DataRequest";
TimeoutInSec = 60;
FileType = SOAP;
Name = WS;
MessageParameters = {
Request = {
Parameters = {
EventSource = "External";
Operation = "Export";
Filename = "TBD";
SchemaName = ariba.integration.SimpleFileSchema;
TopicName = GeneralDataRequestService;
Any idea of what I am doing wrong?